Seven and Six Gifts

Make Space For You Bath Bomb Pamper Gift Set

Sale price Price $27.00 Regular price

Everyone needs a little space sometimes so why not lay back and relax with this Space inspired Relaxation Gift Set. Perfect for a super woman who is completely out of this world and needs to relax; this quirky space inspired pamper set is the perfect gift to leave you feeling like the superwoman you are! 

Set Contains:

Packed full of bath gifts including a large Super Nova Bath Bomb, Cosmic Comets (miniature bath bombs) and a Rocket Fuel bath oil, this set is sure to leave you feeling nourished and relaxed.

1 x Fruit Flavoured Bath Bomb

3 x Mini Chill Pills

1 x Bath Oil

1 x Bath Soak Crystals

1 x White Cotton Face Towel

1 x Magic Charm Bracelet



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U.K 1st Class: 1-2 Working Days

U.K 2nd Class: 2-3 Working Days

E.U: 5-7 Working Days

U.S.A: 7-10 Working Days 

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