Seven and Six Gifts

Slay With Dragons 35 Piece Eyeshadow Makeup Palette

Sale price Price £30.00 Regular price

This unique high quality eyeshadow palette contains 35 stunning shades, each lovingly hand embossed with the flower of life symbol. Blend and highlight with a beautiful array of neutral and bold colours, you have everything you need to create fierce looks for day or night. 

Set Contains:

This gift set is 100% Vegan as well as Cruelty Free and all card elements are made from recycled materials. 

PLUS each palette comes with a Slay With Dragons wax sealed scroll containing the names of each shade and FREE charm bracelet (while stocks last).

Our Creation:

Seven and Six Gifts are proud of this unique, original creation, inspired by all the magical stories we grey up with and loved. This gift is not sponsored by, endorsed by or associated in any way with the owners or creators of any other pre-existing literary, television, film or artistic works. 


Order your Slay with Dragons Eye Shadow Palette Now for Next Day Dispatch

We send all our parcels by Royal Mail and the approximate delivery time once dispatched is: 

U.K 1st Class: 1-2 Working Days

U.K 2nd Class: 2-3 Working Days

E.U: 5-7 Working Days

U.S.A: 7-10 Working Days   

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